November 20, 2023

Topeng #6 "The Kaliloco"

New original 12x12 Topeng Mask #6 "The Kaliloco"

Hand painted, multi-layered illustration created on a deep 1-1/2" wood canvas. Created with ink, spray, acrylics and mixed media. Sealed with varnish, this piece is ready to hang. This is a one of a kind canvas piece and mini print on wood canvas are available for sale.

For 12x12 original:

For 8x8 prints on wood:

October 23, 2023

Whoosh Sample Pack

New Whoosh sample pack!

Contains 60 different dry, unprocessed whoosh samples in three lengths of fast, medium and long. All files were recorded in key C3 and can be transposed in your DAW/Sampler. This pack contains 180 samples. Samples are 48Hz/24bit and royalty free.  

Click this link to purchase sample pack

October 09, 2023

Gamjam hangover

Had a great time at Grass Hut Art Market this year, thanks Brandon "Bwana Spoons" for hosting us! Here's some various pics I snapped throughout the event. 

October 06, 2023

Baphomet "Birthday Suit" Edition Sofubi


Another super fun Moucoyama sculpt that I custom painted just in time for the Grass Hut Art Market. Here we have the old pagan Baphomet celebrating the start of autumn in his birthday suit. This highly detailed deity was hand painted and airbrushed with acrylics and inks. Sealed with a nice gloss varnish. This one of a kind piece will be available at GAMJAM


August 31, 2023

Second Annual Gamjam! Art Show hosted by Grass Hut Art Maket


Grass Hut Art Market! 

Tiny Festival of Character Based Arts

Location: Lloyd Center, Portland, Oregon

October 6th: Art Show - 4pm to 7pm

October 7th: Art Festival  - 11am to 7pm

Prepare to have your eyeballs melted! Curated by Bwana Spaans! Hosted by Grass Hut & Floating World Comics! 

July 30, 2023

Franken Crack "Super Freak" Edition


New Franken Crack Space Friends "Super Freak" Edition custom sofubi. Rad piece was designed by Knuckle from Little Chop Design (Japan) with Headlock Studio (Japan). This was a super fun custom paint, I really dig this Rat Fink style sculpt and always love anything related to Frankenstein. Painted with pearlized paints and silver leaf with a gloss varnish.


July 13, 2023

Wor$hip: "The Vi$hnubØrg" Sculpture Altar

New sculpt from my cyberpunk Wor$hip series, this piece is titled "The Vi$hnubØrg." The sculpt is made from various doll parts and electronics mounted on a wood platform sealed with medium and gloss varnish. This sculpt is approx 13" wide by 3.5" deep by 20" tall. Piece took approximately 15 hours to create.

July 08, 2023

Mutant Chaos "Magma Molt" Edition


New Mutant Chaos "Magma Molt" Edition custom sofubi. This is an older classic sculpt from Real X Head (Japan) with paint and details by Bumwhush. Painted with pearlized and acrylic paint, with a nice gloss varnish. 

July 04, 2023

Crazy Toad "Puked Up" Edition Sofubi


New Crazy Toad "Puked Up" edition custom sofubi. This poor toad ate a vile, disgusting human parasite and has been trying to get rid of it ever since. Sculpt by the amazing Moucoyama (Japan), paint and details by Bumwhush. Painted with pearlized paints and sealed with gloss varnish to give it that gooey look. Went extra grimy with this paint job.

June 13, 2023

Wor$hip: "The TɘchKn0 Frigg" Sculpture Altar


Wor$hip:  The TɘchKn0 Frigg

New sculpt from my cyberpunk Wor$hip series that features various altars of the fallen cyberpunk gods and deities. The sculpt is made from various doll parts and electronics mounted on a wood cross. This sculpt is approx 7.5" wide by 3.5" deep by 12" tall. 

May 06, 2023

Xbox Adaptive Controller Build V3


Completed my son's third Xbox Adaptive Controller today. My son has cerebral palsy which affects his core muscles in which he can not walk, sit up or have much use of his arms and hands. Instead, he uses his legs and feet to explore his surroundings. And he's very good at using them, along with his amazing problem solving brain, to do just about anything that arms and hands can do. So, this controller was built just for that, this time allowing him to use two feet at once. His current favorite games are Minecraft, Roblox, Goat Simulator, Spongebob Battle of Bikini Bottom, Kart Racers, Lego games, and Grounded. 

January 07, 2023

New Laylow GlitchPerc Sample Pack


New Laylow GlitchPerc sample pack. Contains 200 glitch style percussion samples made from synths and field recordings. Samples are 48Hz/24bit and royalty free. Pick up this free GlitchPerc sample pack here.